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Just Another Day

Leo - God, you still haven’t learned to eat. That thing, it’s only bones now. Let it go.

Nia - I know. I like nibbling on the bones of my fish.

Leo (walks away) - Okay then. You enjoy your food. I’m leaving. Bye.

Nia (rushes behind Leo) - Wait for me!

Leo (standing on the roadside) - There is too much traffic today.

Nia – Yeah. It’s so noisy.

Leo - Let’s take another route. Come on, I’ll show you a short cut. Follow me.

Nia – Slow down. I’m already lost.

Leo (shouts) – Follow my voice.

Nia – Wait for me.

Leo – We will be taking the inner routes through the market. It opens directly in front of our home. But the routes are very narrow. You okay with it?

Nia - Oh! Okay.

Leo – Just wanted to give you a heads up. It will be fun. I promise.

Nia – Okay!?

Leo - Careful! You were about to fall in the ditch.

Nia (stumbles) – I’m fine.

Leo ( gently pulls Nia up a slope) - We will be talking the high road from here.

Nia (voice cracks) – What high road?

Leo - We will be walking on this wall for some time. Isn’t it fun?

Nia (steps forward warily) – For you maybe or did you forget that I’m scared of heights?

Leo – Relax. I’m here for you.

Nia (bumps into Leo) – Why did we stop?

Leo (screams to someone) - Shoo!!! Go away!

Leo (to Nia) – A crow was blocking our path.

Nia – For how long do we have to walk on this wall? Can’t we take the road?

Leo (takes a leap) – What’s the fun in that? Now we jump.


Leo – Now it’s your turn. Jump. Nia – No way. I’m not jumping. Leo – The height is not so much. Nia – Still no. I’m not jumping.

Leo (yanks Nia’s leg) – How were you planning on coming down then?

Nia (stumbles to the ground) - Ouch! That was uncalled for!

Leo – Let’s move.

Nia – Come back here and apologize for your actions. I could have gotten hurt.

Leo – But you didn’t. You still haven’t learnt to land on your feet. You are such a kid.

Nia – Don’t try to shift the blame on me.

Leo – Whatever.

Nia - How much longer? I’m tired.

Leo - You are always tired.

Nia - No I’m not!

Leo - Oh please! You eat and spread on the floor till the next meal. And you always have your food brought to you.

Nia – That’s not true!

Leo – Then explain your weight. You need to go out more often. Next time, you will even have trouble standing.

Nia - I do go out often. See I went out with you today and now I’m regretting it. You have been making fun of me all day.

Leo – Okay fine, I will stop. We are almost there. Just round this corner.

Nia – I’m gonna sleep after I get home.

Leo (takes a turn and enters through the gate) - We are almost there.

Nia (stumbles again) – Ah!

Leo – Careful! The periwinkles are in full bloom. The gardener will get very mad.

Nia (drags herself) - I’m so exhausted.


Reese - Look the cats are back! You were getting worried for nothing.

Twinkle (rushes to her pets) - Oh god. Nia are you all right?

Two cats walked in the door as their owner was frantically worrying after their sudden disappearance. The healthy one, lovingly called Nia by her master, dragged herself in the room and splashed on the floor on her belly, all her fours spread into four different direction. Her pelt a mixture of ginger and heavy cream was messy and muddy at parts. She was missing both her eyes. The other one had a face the color of shadows in the night water. In the gentle spring light, he was enchanting, his eyes a soft teal blue. Leo nestled himself near Nia and started licking his paw.

Reese (sits and ruffles Leo’s head) –Did you two have fun today? You took good care of your friend? You are such a good boy.

Leo purred and flicked his darker than black tail. Nia snored.

Twinkle (softly picks Nia) – Thank god you are okay! I was so worried for you two. Let’s put you to bed.

Twinkled tugged Nia into her basket. The cat curled up into a perfect ball and fell into a deep slumber. Today was a fun day.


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